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The purpose of this handbook is to clarify the rules and policies of boys’ gymnastics in the state of Oklahoma. This handbook may be amended or changed by the coaches in the state. Any questions should be referred to the state director.
All coaches must have professional certification to be on the floor at any USAG event. Coaches must have had their background check, safety, U101 course and their membership must be current. No exceptions can be made. In addition, only athletes that are competing in that session can be on the floor at the event. An athlete that is injured, but was entered into the event, may also be on the floor. No other athletes, children, parents or anyone else may enter the field of play.
Professional attire for coaches on competition floor- From USAG Rules and Policies.
The following attire is recommended at all competitions and is required at all sessions of State and Regional Championships, the Junior Olympic National Championships and all U.S. Championship events (Winter Cup, U.S. Qualifier & U.S. Championships). Those coaches who are in violation of the policy will be required to comply or may be asked to leave the competition floor.
1. Closed toe shoes, no sandals
2. Slacks, Warm-up pants or hemmed shorts (No Denim or “cargo style”)
3. Collared shirts
4. No hats
The State Championships can be hosted by a club that has a viable junior boys program. However, it is the “state’s” meet, so all jurisdiction as far as awards and policies falls under the responsibility of the state chairman.
The site of the next State Championships will be decided by a vote of all the clubs represented at the state meeting, held at the current State Championships. Any club interested in hosting the State Championships must submit a bid that details facilities, lodging arrangements and other information that they feel would be beneficial to their bid. The club must have hosted at least one boy’s meet in the season prior to the one they want to host the state meet. The bids will be voted upon by a one club, one vote, policy.
The following policies concerning awards and levels must be followed.
The ages and divisions will set the awards. These need to be decided in conjunction with the state chairman.
Technical Sequences
No awards at this point
These are the minimum age groups that must be awarded in a meet hosted in the state of Oklahoma. Meet directors are allowed to break the age groups down into more award categories, if so desired. The type of awards are left to the meet director, except for the State Meet in which USA Gymnastics guidelines must be followed. State Meet awards must be approved by the State Chairman. Team awards should be banners minimum size 3' x 4'.
State Meet
Level 10
Top 3 teams, count 3 scores per event, regardless of age group
Top 3 teams, count 3 scores per event, regardless of age group
Level 9
Top 3 teams, count 3 scores per event, regardless of age group
Level 8
Top 3 teams, count 3 scores per event, regardless of age group
Level 7
Top 3 teams, count 3 scores per event, regardless of age group or division
Level 6
Top 3 teams, count 3 scores per event, regardless of age group or division
Level 5
Top 3 teams, count 3 scores per event, regardless of age group or division
Level 4
Top 5 teams, count 3 scores per event, regardless of age group or division
Level 3
Award all teams with minimum of 3 participants, count 3 scores per event, regardless of age group or division
Technical Sequences
No team awards and scores do not count towards team
Individual Awards
# of gymnasts in an age group
# of awards
11 or more
1-2 AA Only
All-Around places are all USAG medals. Individual event awards 1-3 must be medals. Any club may exceed these requirements. All State Meet awards must be ordered through A-1 and be USAG medals. Please approve all arrangements with the state director. These awards are not for technical sequences. Awards for gymnasts in the technical sequences session will be all-around by age group only. These scores and awards are totally separate from any other award at the state meet and will not count towards any team awards.
State Meet Entry Fees/Deadline:
The entry deadline is 4 weeks before the state meet. All entries must be submitted and paid for by that date. The State fees are set at the state meeting, for the following year. For the 2021-22 season, the entry fee for an individual is $100.00 for level 7-10 and $90.00 for levels 3-6, and a $30.00 team fee. If there is a separate session for technical sequences, the fee is $25.00 per gymnast, in addition to the standard entry fee. The door fees for admittance to the State Championships cannot exceed $10.00 all day for adults $5.00 for children 12 and under, 3 and under free. If for some reason the meet spans more than one day, a weekend pass must be sold. Prices for a weekend pass would be $ 12.00 for adults, $ 6.00 for children 12 and under, and 3 and under free. There is a $10.00 meet tax per boy that goes to the state account for this meet. $3.00 still goes to the National Gymnastics Foundation.
Moving Classes During the Season
December 31 of the state meet year, is the date that determines a boy’s level of competition. The first meet a boy competes in after that date determines the level that he will compete for the remainder of the year. In subsequent meets, the gymnast may move up a level, but once he competes at that level, it now becomes his official competition level for the rest of the season. After March 1st, a boy may not move down levels.
The only exception is that a coach may petition a gymnast to move down. This petition must be filed with the state director. The state director will then poll all of the clubs in the state, and a majority vote will determine whether the petition is accepted or not.
Switching Gyms During the Season
Oklahoma Gymnasts that switch gyms 2 weeks prior to the Oklahoma State Championships, scores will not count for team score. The gymnast will be eligible to receive individual awards and would be able to advance on, if applicable. This does not apply to a gymnast that has moved in from out of state. The state director should be notified of any athletes that have moved, in order to rule on the eligibility for team awards.
Level 3 Achievement Awards
The state will present awards to all gymnasts in the Level 3 division, at the state championships, that attain a score of 40.00. The State Meet Director must contact the state director to give an approximate number of gymnasts entered in the meet, in order for the state director to order the awards.
Level 4 Achievement Awards
The state will present awards to all gymnasts in the Class 4 division, at the state championships, that attain a score of 40.00AA. The State Meet Director must contact the state director to give an approximate number of gymnasts entered in the meet, in order for the state director to order the awards.
Hosting Meets
Any gym can host a meet, however, a few guidelines must be followed. All meets must be sanctioned by USA Gymnastics. In addition, all gymnasts must have an athlete registration number, and all coaches on the floor must have a USA Gymnastics Men’s professional number. Officials must be obtained by contacting the state judging director.
Meet Tax
All meet directors will remit $1.00 per head for each boy that competes in a meet that they host. This should be presented to the state director within one week after the meet. Checks should be made out to AGSEP- Oklahoma Men. As part of your sanction, you will also need to send $3.00 to the National Gymnastics Foundation, per athlete. The information for this is on your sanction from USA Gymnastics.
State Fund
The state fund will be used to further boys’ gymnastics in the state of Oklahoma. Some items that the state may use the funds for are as follows (not limited to only these):
Special clinician at a state clinic
T-shirts for regional qualifiers
Help out the judging association
Regional and National Testing entry fees
Regional and National entry fees
All-State Awards
Level 3 & 4 Achievement Awards at State
Senior Awards at the state meet
Professional attire for coaches on competition floor- From USAG Rules and Policies.
The following attire is recommended at all competitions and is required at all sessions of State and Regional Championships, the Junior Olympic National Championships and all U.S. Championship events (Winter Cup, U.S. Qualifier & U.S. Championships). Those coaches who are in violation of the policy will be required to comply or may be asked to leave the competition floor.
1. Closed toe shoes, no sandals
2. Slacks, Warm-up pants or hemmed shorts (No Denim or “cargo style”)
3. Collared shirts
4. No hats
Academic All American Award:
Each year coaches should check with High School Students within their gym to see if anyone would be eligible for this academic award. Please refer to the National Rules and Policies for a complete set of guidelines. Due date for applications is April 1st.
Service to Youth Award
Any coach who is currently a USA Gymnastic Professional Member is eligible for this award if they have given service for exact periods of 5, 10 or 15 years. Volunteer service should be connected with the USA Gymnastics. Examples are: State or Region Directorships, Committee Membership, National Coaching Staff, National Board membership, etc. This is not an award for the number of years a person has been coaching. Possible selections for this award should be forwarded to the Regional Director or National Director by the first of April each year.
Oklahoma State Directory
Ben Fox
Bart Conner Gymnastics Academy
3206 Bart Conner Dr.
Norman, OK 73072
405-447-7500 ext 202
Direct line 405-701-7642
Binh Le
Dynamo Gymnastics
7212 W. Hefner Rd.
OKC, OK 73162
(405)728-0500 gym
(405)209-4649 cell
Dynamo Gymnastics
7212 W. Hefner Road
Oklahoma City, OK. 73162
405-728-0500 gym
405-728-0993 fax
Dennis and Shannon Harrison Owners
405-370-7074 Dennis Cell
405-370-6973 Shannon Cell
Oklahoma City Gymnastics
Pablo Narvaez
3450 S MacArthur Ste.A
OKC, OK 73179
(405) 681-3547
Zone Twisters
Julie Kemmerly
4609 Territory Ln.
Stillwater, OK 74075